Refining the service for you

Our team is one of the few that actively develops its product and can really refine it to suit your needs.

We are open to ideas and suggestions to make our product better.

Unfortunately our resources are limited, and some solutions can be good for some and bad for others.

To solve these problems we have developed a system of priorities and a concept of our product development.

System of priorities

Prioritization is given to:

  • Ideas whose implementation will help more users.
  • Problems with a good description, when the client told about his problem and explained his solution in detail, attached screenshots and mockups. We are all human, and everyone wants to eat the apple that looks the best and hangs the lowest.
  • Clients who are willing to vote with their money. Although we do refinements mostly for free, we prioritize the requests of those clients who have paid for our services for a year or more in advance.

Development concept

We focus on:

  • Simplicity. If there is a simple solution to a problem that requires minimal preparation, we consider it the best.
  • Convenience. All actions should be convenient, but not narrow the circle of users who can use them.

We do not strive to make a product that will suit everyone and solve all their problems. This will inevitably lead to the fact that the program will be difficult to learn and uncomfortable to work with.